Author: Paul Brody

Berlin Volksbühne, Grüner Salon, June 6, 8:30 pm

Der Tagesspiegel (literary editor): Gregor Dotzauer,Prefabricated tracks, samples thrown in and trumpet solos born of the moment, ranging from a squeak to a hymn, make Brody’s performances an experience in their own right. The noisily atmospheric and the distinctively peeling, the melodic and the rhythmic enter into a liaison that gives the lyrics a second […]

Not Jewish Enough?

When trumpet player and composer Paul Brody moved from San Francisco to Berlin in the early 90’s, he soon began to deny being Jewish. That wasn’t due to any shame about his heritage or fears of anti-Semitism, but rather because German journalists were more interested in his family’s history as refugees from the Nazis than […]

The Fringe Sound of Berlin:
NPR Special

The Fringe Sound of Berlin What is the sound of Berlin? How does the mentality of the city of upheaval effect its artists? How do the artists hear their city? Production, writing, composition: Paul Brody

This cinematic demo will be posted for only a short time! Music selections from unreleased full length cinema film. (Cuts to show music composition only, not content) General info hidden for now. For private use only. (Premier estimated: 2023) Humboldt Forum Berlin Museum Documentary (2023) (Cuts to show music only) Directed by Charlotte Jansen Ambient […]

Barenboim Foundation Boulez Saal

Webern from the Inside and Outside A Sound Installation by Paul Brody Videos and Explanation: Video 1: Artist’s Talk at Boulez Saal. Video 2: Sound installation. Video 3: Selection of Videos from the 12 tone contributors. Webern from the Inside and Outside A Sound Installation by Paul Brody (English translation of Webern letter fragments below) […]

Opera, Symphony Commissions:

Badisches Staatstheater: Operatic-Sound Installation 2024-2026 GRIPS THEATER: Utopia Orchestra: “Berliner Suite” von Paul Brody Termin 2. Juni › 16 & 18 Uhr Wie klingt eigentlich die Berliner Schnauze? Im Frühlingskonzert des Utopia Orchesters können kleine und große Konzertbesucher*innen dies auf höchst musikalische und unterhaltsame Weise erkunden. Gespielt wird die Berliner Suite, ein sinfonisches Werk, das […]

Curating Inclusive Art Projects 2024-2028

In Berlin there a huge push towards cultivating inclusive awareness. Kulturlaben Berlin asked me to curate inclusive art events and workshops with theater, music, visual art. The exhibit featured the art department from Berlin’s legendary, RambaZamba Theater, Jac Carley, and visually impaired artist, Silja Korn. Ms. Korn and Carely experimented with ways of working together […]

Humboldt Forum Exhibit: Tausend Welten

Schaust du gerne in die Sterne? Womit fühlst du dich verbunden? Im 3. OG des Ethnologischen Museums entsteht ein Raum, in dem du diesen Fragen nachgehen und aus Klängen und Bildern eine eigene Welt bauen kannst, die du mit anderen teilst. Gemeinsam mit Berliner Schüler*innen haben wir bereits viele verschiedene Welten gebaut und angeschaut. Nun […]

Narziss & Echo / David Marton – Road Opera

Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne composition commission collaboration with pianist, Michael Wilhelmi and live electronics artist, Daniel Dorsch. The premier was at the Vienna Theater Festival (Wiener Festwochen 2019). Performances were in France, Austria, and Berlin: Radial System. Photographer: Valentine Solé

Canadian Language Museum Yiddish Curses and Blessings

The Music of Yiddish Blessings and Curses installation was a collaboration with the Ashkenaz Festival in Toronto. Paul Brody interviewed Yiddish speakers throughout the city to explore their favourite curses and blessings, as well as the stories and memories behind them. Brody was expecting that the blessings and curses would reveal a treasure of Yiddish culture — […]

Romeo and Juliet

Orchestral-electo compositions based on archive recordings of shakespearian actors. This theater production is in German but the melodic material of the musical accompaniment is based on recordings of British actors found in archive recordings. The production was for the Akzent Festival in Duisburg, Germany. Director, Kevin Barz. More info on youtube.