Schaust du gerne in die Sterne? Womit fühlst du dich verbunden? Im 3. OG des Ethnologischen Museums entsteht ein Raum, in dem du diesen Fragen nachgehen und aus Klängen und Bildern eine eigene Welt bauen kannst, die du mit anderen teilst. Gemeinsam mit Berliner Schüler*innen haben wir bereits viele verschiedene Welten gebaut und angeschaut. Nun laden wir euch ein, unsere Ideen zu diesem Raum auszuprobieren und zu testen. Dafür richten wir provisorische Teststationen ein, an denen ihr einige Aspekte erproben und uns sagen könnt, wie euch die Sachen gefallen haben. Kommt, baut eure Welten und entscheidet mit uns, wie der Raum und die Welten später aussehen werden!
Dear Website Visitor, sorry for the German than English! These are mini examples from the work in progress. Opening in December! More explanation will be written soon!
Hello in My Languages is based on a recording with a nine year old girl who knew how to say hello in so many languages she lost track of where some of the languages were from! Almost the entire accompaniment of her voice, including the triplet arpeggios is made from her voice alone. I used her speaking voice as an ‘instrument.’ Some archive sounds were used as variation. Blue, Green, Yellow is from children drawing at the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft. Each child describes their favorite color and what they associated with that color. Using only sounds recorded at the workshop, I tried to create musical atmospheres that sounded like the colors blue, green, and yellow. The voices of the children are embedded in the composition. Three Colors through MorphingBerlin Phonogram-Archive Sound Files is a purposely dense sound art composition to illustrate a bit of sound morphing Handwerk. It’s to give you, the listener, an idea of what kinds of complex sound structures one can create with the archive material. The possibilities are limitless! If this were to be for an exhibit, I would make the sounds lighter at the beginning and build up the density over a lot more time than 3 minutes! The sounds are from Java street music, Uzbek fiddle tunes, instrumental music from Cameroon and Malawi, and static from the wax cylinders! The Sound of Drawing is based on recording the sound of one child drawing with colored pencils. I recorded one child in a quiet room. Then I put my recorder in the middle of the table where lots of children were drawing and talking about their pictures. I cut out relevant words and phrases like, That’s scribbling, Pass the gold pencil, I drew a heart, and placed them in the ambient music. I am interested in extending this experiment by combining the sound of drawing with the sound of drumming. From my experience, drawing and drumming are probably the two artistic things children relate to most!Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm is made from three examples of drumming. The first is an exercise at the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft where children explored the musical quality of their speaking voice. This very raw opening shows the kids punctuating the rhythm of their speech patterns by speaking and drumming. The second part is a young girl showing me how she drums and claps her hands in a very special way, and the third section is all the found percussion objects played and sampled. The ambient sounds are again derived from morphing various recordings from the Berlin Phonogram-Archive Sound Files.